Scientific Publications


Analysis of the erosive effects of palms (Cocos nucifera L.) in the beach-dune systems of the Dominican Republic. This study examines the impact of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) distribution on the beaches of the Dominican Republic and its relationship with coastal erosion and beach-dune system dynamics.A total of 31 beach-dune systems were compared using 17 qualitative variables to assess the influence of palm trees planted for agricultural or touristic purposes on beach morphology, anthropic occupation, and dynamics. The results indicate that beaches with palm trees planted for touristic purposes exhibit higher compaction, slumping, and erosion, as well as lower resilience in the beach-dune system. These beaches also have a higher presence of tourist complexes, mechanical cleaning, and removal of vegetal debris, which contributes to the alteration of the beach profile and native vegetation. Palm trees can also act as wave flow accelerators, exacerbating sediment loss and increasing the risk of the palms themselves falling, which entails personal risks. It is concluded that the removal of coconut palms and comprehensive beach restoration, including the recovery of dune fronts and associated vegetation, are necessary actions to improve the stability and dynamics of Dominican coasts. Furthermore, the importance of developing planning and management strategies that promote the conservation and restoration of beach-dune systems in touristic and agricultural areas is suggested.

Key words: beach, Caribbean, palm tres (Cocos nucifera L.), erosion.

Análisis de la Vulnerabilidad de las Playas del Sector Oriental de la Costa de la República Dominicana

publication dateSep 1, 2011  publication descriptionAvances en Geomorfología Litoral. VI Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral

(publication description pages 83-86)
In the framework of a cooperation project and a technical assistance the state of conservation - management of 27 beaches in the Dominican Republic has been evaluated and, subsequently, a recovery plan has been developed. The use of 53 indicators has allowed to assess the vulnerability of sandy coastal to disturbances (both natural and anthropogenic) over a sector of the Dominican Republic coast. Once the data were collected, a cluster analysis has been performed. The analysis has allowed to group the different variables into three distinct groups, where beaches are grouped according to their vulnerability.
The first group corresponds to the most natural beaches showing lower vulnerability, the second group, includes the beaches with intermediate values of MG / IV, which are however the average, and finally a third group, which includes the beaches with the lowest values of MG / IV, all below

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Clasificación Geoambiental de los Sistemas Litorales Arenosos de la República Dominicana como herramienta de gestión

publication date Jan 25, 2012  Congreso Iberoamericano de Gestión de Integrada de Áreas Litorales

(publication description pages 481-491)
La República Dominicana es el destino turístico insular más visitado del Caribe, recibiendo cuatro millones de visitantes al año, y siendo sus playas su principal atractivo. Este turismo genera el 37% de los ingresos totales del país, concentrado en aquellas regiones costeras que contienen amplias playas
y numerosos complejos hoteleros con una presión directa sobre los sistemas litorales. Como resultado de esta presión, los ecosistemas costeros se ven amenazados por el desarrollo turístico sostenible. Uno de los principales obstáculos para una mejor gestión litoral es la falta de conocimiento sobre estos ecosistemas litorales. Una gestión eficaz depende de la disponibilidad de información que pueda evaluar objetivamente estos ecosistemas con una monitorización geoambiental de indicadores de sostenibilidad como herramienta útil para el desarrollo de un modelo de gestión basado en criterios geoambientales, sociales, económicos y paisajísticos.

Publication here

Environmental Analysis and Classification of Coastal Sandy Systems of the Dominican Republic


The Dominican Republic is the most visited insular tourist destination in the Caribbean, being its beaches its main attractiveness. This tourism generates 37% of the total revenues of the country, concentrated in coastal regions. As a result of this pressure, the coastal ecosystems are threatened by the increasing tourist development. Parameters such as site and dune morphology, beach condition, surface character of the seaward 200 m of the dune, pressure of use and recent protection measures make good regional comparison of beach-dune systems. A checklist was developed to calculate Vulnerability Index (VI) and Management Measures (MM) in 99 beach-dune systems of Dominican Republic allowing to identify and prioritize the different pressures. This method of study, associated with Geographical Information Systems (GIS), give more visibility to beach-dunes conditions, and by this facilitate the necessary decisions in the context of a sustainable management of coastal areas. The results indicate that the risk of beach erosion and degradation is directly related to the pressure of use of the coastal area.

Publication here

Academics: Instructor on Masters in Architecture (Module) (2013)

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Maestría Arquitectura Sostenible. 
Universidad Iberoamericana - UNIBE. Santo Domingo
Marzo-Abril 2013 

Durante la clase de Seminarios de Territorios Sostenibles junto con mis estudiantes elaboramos un estudio comparativo de varias tipologías turísticas de la República Dominicana con el objetivo de observar las diferencias en temas de sostenibilidad y consumo de cada tipología.