Life Instructions - Manual de la Vida (2011)

Life instructions. Click image for video.

Life instructions. Click image for video.

  • Oliver Olivo Batista - Writer/Director/Photographer

  • Crystal Fiallo - Producer

Estimated Budget: 0 / $$$

One Minute Anti Corruption Film Festival

December 2011, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 

Short film here - with english subtitles

As soon as Oliver Olivo was informed about this festival he was really interested in participating. It was a festival fighting corruption, The One Minute Anti-Corruption Film Festival. It was a real challenge because he had not made any short films on his own yet and it had a time duration limitation of only one minute. Oliver knew that he had a good idea but he had a writer’s block and did not know what to do. He wrote countless ideas two weeks before the deadline but he was still jammed. Suddenly, three days before the deadline, the final idea came to his mind; he wrote it down and made his story board. The crew shot the documentary in only one day with a hand camera, with no professional actors and no lighting. They were just enthusiastic about the idea.

The idea was to make an anti-corruption video without showing not even one immoral or corrupt act. It was meant to resemble an euphemism of the fight against corruption. The hands were used as a symbol of creating things, of choosing to do the right thing or not; it was a matter of deciding if hands were to build or to destroy; deciding of being a corrupt human being or not.

Oliver's short film was selected as one of five finalists and awarded among 39 proposals.